Synthesis Screening Workshop 3

Securing Bioproduction against an Evolving Threat Landscape

March 5-6, 2025
Hopkins Bloomberg Center
555 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC

Zoom link will be provided to everyone who registers as a virtual attendee

Advances in AI are changing the threat landscape in many fields, including in the field of biology. With AI assisted design tools, the complexity and obfuscation potential of the synthetic biological materials is expected to increase. Conversely, the same AI advances can be deployed to help screen DNA/RNA synthesis requests before they can be used for malicious purposes. This workshop seeks insight on current and future advances that will shape both the threat and countermeasure landscapes and prepare the community for the changing threat landscape. The workshop seeks perspectives from academia, industry, and government. 

The Spring Workshop will focus on the evolving landscape in the years beyond 2026 with an eye towards 2030. Specifically, we would like to suggest the following broad topics:

  • AI resilience, 
  • Beyond the 2024 Framework,
  • Biodesign Tool Capabilities, 
  • Biological Mechanisms,
  • Cloud Labs,
  • Customer Screening,
  • Cyberbiosecurity,
  • Desktop Synthesis,
  • International Efforts and Harmonization,
  • Order Streams,
  • Screening Tool Advancements, and
  • Security (non-cyber) Considerations.

As in the 2024 fall and spring sessions, we will have round table discussions. We would encourage you to submit your ideas or if you feel like the above topics would be better as a round table, please let us know. We will conduct a poll the week prior to the event and identify chairs/moderators for these discussions. Here is our working short list:

New advances in tool design – Bio design tools are evolving quickly, and this group will seek to list and prioritize advances that the synthesis security community needs to be following.

Establishing cyberbiosecurity frameworks – Cyberbiosecurity cannot be an afterthought. What are the principles and practices that will work uniquely for bio in light of new advances in technology?

Securing against misuse of AI design tools – Securing against misuse doesn’t just mean preventing people from doing harm, but also promoting proper use. What are best practices to advance common goals of global health while minimizing risk of harm.

Building international consensus – Activities and actions to help broaden the tent beyond the US and partner nations. This topic explicitly acknowledges that cooperation will be necessary to prevent harms. 

Discussion Topics

  • AI designed organism and Sequences of Concern
  • Bio-design tools
  • Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) Implications
  • International Harmonization
  • Synthesis Advances (Desktop Synthesizers)

Preliminary Schedule

March 5th (In-Person and Virtual, Open to Public)
Date / Time (EDT)Activity / Title
0830 – 0930In-Person Registration and Networking
0915Zoom room opens
0930 – 0945Introductory Remarks (Organizers, JHU, and Gov’t Partners)
0945 – 1000Policy Talk about Biological Weapons Convention (BWC)
1000 – 1015Technical Talk: MRI Global Case Study
1015 – 1030Technical Talk: From Sequence of Concern to Properties of Concern
1030 – 1045Networking Break
1045 – 1100Technical Talk: Trustworthy AI for Bio
1100 – 1115Technical Talk: Building an Evidence-Based Community Process to Define Sequences of Concern
1115 – 1200Panel Session on Synthesis Methods and Security moderated by Kenny Yeh
1200 – 1300Lunch break and networking
1300 – 1315Technical Talk: Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Biotechnology
1315 – 1330Technical Talk: Gene Ontology Terms for Biothreat Assessment and Infectious Diseases Data Science
1330 – 1430Working Session Breakouts
1430 – 1500Group Discussion
1500 – 1515Break
1515 – 1615Working Session Breakouts
1615 – 1645Group Discussion
1645 – 1700Closing Remarks
1830No Host Social (Location TBD)
March 6th (In-Person, US Persons only)
Date / Time (EDT)Activity / Title
0830 – 0915In-Person Registration and Networking
0915 – 0930Introductory Remarks
0930 – 0945Technical Talk: Air-Gapped Anomaly Detection: A Cyberbiosecurity Defense for Biomanufacturing
0945 – 1000Technical Talk: Actionable Biosurveillance and Threat Characterization
1000 – 1045Panel on AI Designed Sequences of Concern
1045 – 1100Technical Talk: Biological Risks from AI Design Tools
1100 – 1145Working Session
1145 – 1200Closing Remarks

Abstract Submissions

We will select short talks based on 1-2 page abstracts (format of your choice). Abstracts will be compiled and distributed as a product of the meeting.
Submission site: Google Form
Deadline: February 12, 2025


There is no cost to attend the workshop. Register here.


Joel Bader (JHU), Aaron Adler (BBN), Kemper Talley (BBN), Fusun Yaman (BBN), Kenny Yeh (MRI Global)